Ejercicios Too And Enough 3 ESO con Soluciones PDF Exercices

Too And Enough 3 ESO

Abrir Ejercicios Too And Enough 3 ESO | Exercices

Too and enough are words we use to talk about quantity. They go before adjectives and adverbs.


We use too to say that there is more of something than we want or need. For example,

  • There are too many cars on the road.
  • I think you’ve put too much salt in the soup.
  • You’re driving too fast. You’ll have an accident.
  • Ann is too tall to ride that horse.
  • Too much noise makes me feel dizzy.


We use enough to say that there is as much as we want or need. For example,

  • There aren’t enough parking spaces in this town.
  • I’ve put enough salt in the soup.
  • You’re driving fast enough. Any faster and you’ll have an accident.
  • Ann is tall enough to ride that horse.
  • There’s enough noise for me to feel dizzy.

We can also use enough on its own. For example,

  • I’ve had enough! I’m going home.
  • We’ve waited long enough. Let’s go in.
  • I don’t think you’ve explained clearly enough. Can you explain it again?

Ejercicios Resueltos Too And Enough Ingles 3 Eso

Ejercicios Resueltos Too And Enough Ingles 3 Eso

A continuación os dejamos unos ejercicios resueltos de too y enough para que practiquéis estos dos adverbios tan importantes en el idioma inglés.

En el siguiente ejercicio tenéis que completar las frases con too o enough.


I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I’m busy.

I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I’m too busy.

1. I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I’m busy.

I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I’m too busy.

2. Ann is tired. She wants to go home.

Ann is too tired. She wants to go home.

3. This book is interesting. I want to read it.

This book is interesting enough. I want to read it.

4. This book is expensive. I want to buy it.

This book is too expensive. I want to buy it.

5. This book is cheap. I don’t want to buy it.

This book is cheap enough. I don’t want to buy it.

6. Ann is tall. She can’t reach the top shelf.

Ann is too tall. She can’t reach the top shelf.

7. Ann is short. She can’t reach the top shelf.

Ann is short enough. She can’t reach the top shelf.

8. I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I’m busy.

I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I’m too busy.

9. This food is spicy. I can’t eat it.

This food is too spicy. I can’t eat it.

10. This food is spicy. I want to eat it.

This food is spicy enough. I want to eat it.

11. I’m thirsty. I want to drink something.

I’m too thirsty. I want to drink something.

12. This drink is sweet. I don’t want to drink it.

This drink is sweet enough. I don’t want to drink it.

13. This drink is sweet. I want to drink it.

This drink is too sweet. I want to drink it.

14. I’m hot. I want to take my coat off.

I’m too hot. I want to take my coat off.

15. I’m cold. I want to put my coat on.

I’m too cold. I want to put my coat on.

16. I’m cold. I don’t want to put my coat on.

I’m cold enough. I don’t want to put my coat on.

17. I’m hungry. I want to eat something.

I’m too hungry. I want to eat something.

18. I’m not very hungry. I don’t want to eat something.

I’m not hungry enough. I don’t want to eat something.

19. This food is delicious. I want to eat it.

This food is delicious enough. I want to eat it.

20. This food is delicious. I don’t want to eat it.

This food is too delicious. I don’t want to eat it.

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