Ejercicios Rephrasing 2 Bachillerato Exercices PDF Con Soluciones

Rephrasing 2 Bachillerato

Abrir Ejercicios Rephrasing 2 Bachillerato | Exercices

Rephrasing is the process of rewriting a text in your own words. This is a useful skill to learn for exams, because you can often improve your marks by paraphrasing the question. Here are some tips for paraphrasing: – Read the text carefully and make sure you understand it. – Write down the main ideas in your own words. – Use different words and phrases from the original text. – Change the order of the ideas if necessary. – Check your paraphrase against the original text to make sure you haven’t changed the meaning.

Ejercicios Resueltos Rephrasing Ingles 2 Bachillerato

Ejercicios Resueltos Rephrasing Ingles 2 Bachillerato

En esta entrada vamos a ver un repaso de rephrasing (parafrasear) en inglés para el nivel de Bachillerato. Si necesitas repasar o aprender cómo se hace el rephrasing en inglés, échale un vistazo a esta explicación. Y si quieres practicar, aquí tienes unos cuantos ejercicios resueltos.

Ejercicio 1

Lee el siguiente texto y reescríbelo utilizando la mayor cantidad de sinónimos posibles.

The man who was standing next to me at the bus stop was very tall.

The man who was next to me at the bus stop was very tall.

Ejercicio 2

Lee el siguiente texto y reescríbelo utilizando la mayor cantidad de sinónimos posibles.

I don’t like people who are always late.

I don’t like people who are always late.

Ejercicio 3

Lee el siguiente texto y reescríbelo utilizando la mayor cantidad de sinónimos posibles.

I was very pleased with the meal that I had in the restaurant.

I was very pleased with the meal that I had in the restaurant.

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