Ejercicios Prepositions Of Place 1 ESO con Soluciones PDF Exercices

Prepositions Of Place 1 ESO

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Prepositions of place are used to describe where something is. In English, there are only a few prepositions of place.

The most common prepositions of place are:

  • in
  • on
  • at
  • under
  • behind
  • in front of
  • next to
  • between
  • opposite

These prepositions are used with various nouns, verbs, and adjectives. In this lesson, we will look at how to use these prepositions of place.


We use in when something is inside of something else. For example,

  • The cat is in the box.
  • I put my books in my backpack.
  • Please put your jacket in the closet.
  • He put his keys in his pocket.

We also use in when we are talking about a place that is not very specific. For example,

  • I live in a city.
  • She was born in France.
  • They are going to school in the United States.

We also use in with certain expressions of time. For example,

  • I will see you in a week.
  • We have class in the morning.
  • Please come in the afternoon.


We use on when something is on top of something else. For example,

  • The cat is on the table.
  • I put my books on the shelf.
  • Please put your jacket on the bed.
  • He put his keys on the desk.

We also use on when we are talking about a specific day or date. For example,

  • I will see you on Monday.
  • We have class on Wednesday.
  • Please come on Saturday.


We use at when we are talking about a specific place. For example,

  • I live at 123 Main Street.
  • She was born at the hospital.
  • They are going to school at Harvard University.

We also use at with certain expressions of time. For example,

  • I will see you at 3 o’clock.
  • We have class at 9 o’clock.
  • Please come at 6 o’clock.

We also use at with the words home, work, and school. For example,

  • I am going to work.
  • She is going to school.
  • We are going to the movies.


We use under when something is below something else. For example,

  • The cat is under the table.
  • I put my books under the bed.
  • Please put your jacket under the pillow.
  • He put his keys under the rug.

We also use under with certain expressions of time. For example,

  • I will see you under a week.
  • We have class under an hour.
  • Please come under two hours.


We use behind when something is at the back of something else. For example,

  • The cat is behind the sofa.
  • I put my books behind the door.
  • Please put your jacket behind the curtain.
  • He put his keys behind the plant.


We use in front of when something is at the front of something else. For example,

  • The cat is in front of the fireplace.
  • I put my books in front of the TV.
  • Please put your jacket in front of the mirror.
  • He put his keys in front of the computer.


We use next to when something is near or beside something else. For example,

  • The cat is next to the lamp.
  • I put my books next to the table.
  • Please put your jacket next to the window.
  • He put his keys next to his phone.


We use between when something is in the middle of two things. For example,

  • The cat is between the chairs.
  • I put my books between the couch and the coffee table.
  • Please put your jacket between the pillows.
  • He put his keys between the books.


We use opposite when something is on the other side of something else. For example,

  • The cat is opposite the door.
  • I put my books opposite the window.
  • Please put your jacket opposite the bed.
  • He put his keys opposite the TV.

Ejercicios Resueltos Prepositions Of Place Ingles 1 Eso

Ejercicios Resueltos Prepositions Of Place Ingles 1 Eso

En esta lección aprenderemos a usar las preposiciones de lugar en inglés. Las preposiciones de lugar indican dónde está algo o dónde está alguien. Las preposiciones más comunes de lugar son: in, on y at.

In se usa para lugares cerrados o espacios limitados. On se usa para superficies como paredes, mesas y libros. At se usa para indicar lugar o posición.


The cat is in the box. (El gato está dentro de la caja.)

The cat is on the table. (El gato está encima de la mesa.)

The cat is at the door. (El gato está en la puerta.)


1. Complete las frases con IN, ON o AT.

a. The book is _______ the table.

b. The cat is _______ the box.

c. I am _______ the bus.

d. She is _______ the kitchen.

e. They are _______ the garden.

f. We are _______ the school.

g. You are _______ the park.

2. Escribe las preposiciones de lugar correctas.

a. The cat is in on the table.

b. I am in on the bus.

c. They are in on the garden.

d. We are in on the school.

e. You are in on the park.

3. Escribe frases usando preposiciones de lugar.

a. The cat / in the box

b. I / in the bus

c. They / in the garden

d. We / in the school

e. You / in the park

4. Escribe las preposiciones de lugar correctas.

a. The cat is in on the table.

b. I am in on the bus.

c. They are in on the garden.

d. We are in on the school.

e. You are in on the park.

5. Escribe frases usando preposiciones de lugar.

a. The cat / in the box

b. I / in the bus

c. They / in the garden

d. We / in the school

e. You / in the park

6. Escribe las preposiciones de lugar correctas.

a. The cat is in on the table.

b. I am in on the bus.

c. They are in on the garden.

d. We are in on the school.

e. You are in on the park.

7. Escribe frases usando preposiciones de lugar.

a. The cat / in the box

b. I / in the bus

c. They / in the garden

d. We / in the school

e. You / in the park

8. Escribe las preposiciones de lugar correctas.

a. The cat is in on the table.

b. I am in on the bus.

c. They are in on the garden.

d. We are in on the school.

e. You are in on the park.

9. Escribe frases usando preposiciones de lugar.

a. The cat / in the box

b. I / in the bus

c. They / in the garden

d. We / in the school

e. You / in the park

10. Escribe las preposiciones de lugar correctas.

a. The cat is in on the table.

b. I am in on the bus.

c. They are in on the garden.

d. We are in on the school.

e. You are in on the park.

11. Escribe frases usando preposiciones de lugar.

a. The cat / in the box

b. I / in the bus

c. They / in the garden

d. We / in the school

e. You / in the park

12. Escribe las preposiciones de lugar correctas.

a. The cat is in on the table.

b. I am in on the bus.

c. They are in on the garden.

d. We are in on the school.

e. You are in on the park.

13. Escribe frases usando preposiciones de lugar.

a. The cat / in the box

b. I / in the bus

c. They / in the garden

d. We / in the school

e. You / in the park

14. Escribe las preposiciones de lugar correctas.

a. The cat is in on the table.

b. I am in on the bus.

c. They are in on the garden.

d. We are in on the school.

e. You are in on the park.

15. Escribe frases usando preposiciones de lugar.

a. The cat / in the box

b. I / in the bus

c. They / in the garden

d. We / in the school

e. You / in the park

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