Ejercicios Modal Verbs 4 ESO con Soluciones PDF Exercices

Modal Verbs 4 ESO

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The Modal Verbs in English are a small group of verbs which are very important because they express ability, doubt, certainty, obligation and advice.

The main modal verbs are: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would.

Modal verbs are always followed by the infinitive of another verb (without ‘to’).

For example:

I can speak English.

They could speak English when they were children.

We may go out tonight.

You might see him at the party.

You must be here at 9 o’clock.

They shall arrive tomorrow.

You should study more.

We will help you.

I would like a coffee, please.

The main differences between the modal verbs are in the degree of ability, doubt, certainty, obligation or advice which they express.

For example:

Can and Could

Can and could are used to express ability or possibility.

Can is used to express ability or possibility now or in the future:

I can speak English.

Could is used to express ability or possibility in the past:

Could you speak English when you were a child?

May and Might

May and might are used to express possibility.

May is used to express possibility now or in the future:

We may go out tonight.

Might is used to express possibility in the past:

You might see him at the party.


Must is used to express obligation or certainty.

Must is used to express obligation now or in the future:

You must be here at 9 o’clock.

Must is also used to express certainty:

This must be the right place.


Shall is used to express obligation or certainty.

Shall is used to express obligation now or in the future:

They shall arrive tomorrow.

Shall is also used to express certainty:

Who shall I say is calling, please?


Should is used to give advice or to express opinion.

Should is used to give advice:

You should study more.

Should is also used to express opinion:

I think you should study more.

Will and Would

Will and would are used to express intention or desire.

Will is used to express intention now or in the future:

We will help you.

Would is used to express intention in the past:

I would like a coffee, please.

Ejercicios Resueltos Modal Verbs Ingles 4 Eso

Los verbos modales son un tipo de verbo que se utiliza para expresar un juicio de modo, de cantidad, de posibilidad o de obligación. Se colocan delante del verbo principal y no requieren de un auxiliar para formar la negación o la interrogación. En inglés, los verbos modales más comunes son can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must y ought to. A continuación vamos a ver una serie de ejercicios resueltos de verbos modales.

Ejercicio 1: Completa las siguientes oraciones usando el verbo modal adecuado. Ten en cuenta que algunas de las oraciones requieren el uso de un auxiliar para formar la negación o la interrogación.

1. I ______ go out tonight. (can / may / must / ought to)

2. You ______ come with us if you want. (can / may / must / ought to)

3. She ______ be at home now. It’s only 6 o’clock. (can’t / may / must / ought to)

4. We ______ have a party next weekend. (can / may / must / ought to)

5. You ______ be more careful! You ______ break that glass! (can / may / must / ought to)

6. I ______ see him tomorrow. He’s coming to visit me. (can / may / must / ought to)

7. They ______ be at the cinema now. I hope they’re having a good time. (can’t / may / must / ought to)

8. I ______ go now. I have to catch my train. (can / may / must / ought to)

9. You ______ turn off the light when you leave the room. (can / may / must / ought to)

10. We ______ be more careful! We ______ make so much noise! (can / may / must / ought to)

Ejercicio 2: Completa las siguientes oraciones usando el verbo modal adecuado. Ten en cuenta que algunas de las oraciones requieren el uso de un auxiliar para formar la negación o la interrogación.

1. I ______ go out tonight. (can / may / must / ought to)

2. You ______ come with us if you want. (can / may / must / ought to)

3. She ______ be at home now. It’s only 6 o’clock. (can’t / may / must / ought to)

4. We ______ have a party next weekend. (can / may / must / ought to)

5. You ______ be more careful! You ______ break that glass! (can / may / must / ought to)

6. I ______ see him tomorrow. He’s coming to visit me. (can / may / must / ought to)

7. They ______ be at the cinema now. I hope they’re having a good time. (can’t / may / must / ought to)

8. I ______ go now. I have to catch my train. (can / may / must / ought to)

9. You ______ turn off the light when you leave the room. (can / may / must / ought to)

10. We ______ be more careful! We ______ make so much noise! (can / may / must / ought to)

Ejercicio 3: Completa las siguientes oraciones con el verbo modal adecuado. Ten en cuenta que algunas de las oraciones requieren el uso de un auxiliar para formar la negación o la interrogación.

1. I ______ speak French fluently, but I ______ speak Spanish very well. (can / may / must / ought to)

2. They ______ be at home now. It’s only 7 o’clock. (can’t / may / must / ought to)

3. We ______ have a party tomorrow night. (can / may / must / ought to)

4. You ______ turn off the light when you leave the room. (can / may / must / ought to)

5. She ______ be at the office now. She ______ work late today. (can’t / may / must / ought to)

6. I ______ go out tonight. I ______ meet my friends. (can / may / must / ought to)

7. You ______ come with us if you want. (can / may / must / ought to)

8. They ______ be at the cinema now. I hope they’re having a good time. (can’t / may / must / ought to)

9. I ______ go now. I have to catch my train. (can / may / must / ought to)

10. You ______ be more careful! You ______ break that glass! (can / may / must / ought to)

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