Ejercicios How Much How Many 1 ESO Con Soluciones Exercices PDF

How Much How Many 1 ESO

Abrir Ejercicios How Much How Many 1 ESO | Exercices

How much and how many are used to ask questions about quantity. We use how much with uncountable nouns and how many with plural countable nouns:

We use how much with uncountable nouns:

How much money do you want?

How much information do you need?

We use how many with plural countable nouns:

How many books are there in the library?

How many students are in your class?

Ejercicios Resueltos How Much How Many Ingles 1 Eso

Ejercicios Resueltos How Much How Many Ingles 1 Eso

How much y How many son dos interrogativos que se traducen en español como «¿Cuánto/a?» o «¿Cuántos/as?».

How much se utiliza para preguntar por el precio de un producto o el coste de un servicio:

How much does it cost? – «¿Cuánto cuesta?»

How much are those shoes? – «¿Cuánto cuestan esos zapatos?»

How many se utiliza para preguntar por la cantidad de objetos de una misma clase:

How many books are there on the table? – «¿Cuántos libros hay sobre la mesa?»

How many students are in your class? – «¿Cuántos alumnos hay en tu clase?»

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