Examen Movers Cambridge Modelo

Examen Movers Cambridge

Abrir – Modelo Examen Movers Cambridge – PDF

Examen Movers Cambridge Soluciones

Abrir | Examen

The Movers Cambridge English test is taken by children aged 7–12 years old. It is the second stage in the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) series. The test is made up of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking. Each paper is taken on a different day. The Speaking test may be taken on the same day as the other papers or on a different day, at the discretion of the test centre.

The Reading and Writing test is taken first and has two parts. Part 1 is a reading comprehension exercise with a choice of three questions. Part 2 is a writing exercise where the child has to complete a short task such as a letter, a message or a postcard.

The Listening test is taken next and has four parts. In Parts 1 and 2, the child has to answer questions about pictures and short recorded passages. In Part 3, the child has to complete a longer task such as a conversation or a story. Part 4 is a general conversation between the child and the examiner.

The Speaking test is the last test and is taken either on the same day as the other papers or on a different day. It has three parts. In Part 1, the examiner will ask the child some questions about themselves and their home. In Part 2, the child has to talk about a picture. In Part 3, the child and the examiner will have a general conversation.

The test is not timed, but it takes most children about 45 minutes to complete the Reading and Writing test and about 20 minutes to complete the Listening test. The Speaking test takes about 10 minutes.

¿Cómo es el examen de movers?

El examen de Movers es un examen de nivel pre-intermedio que se realiza anualmente para chicas y chicos de 5 y 6 años. Deben contestar preguntas de comprensión lectora y responder a preguntas de gramática y vocabulario. Para aprobar el examen, deben obtener al menos el 60%.

Este año, el examen de Movers se llevará a cabo el sábado 5 de mayo. Los estudiantes que deseen tomar el examen deben inscribirse antes del viernes 27 de abril. La inscripción cuesta $30 dólares. El examen se realizará en inglés, pero se proporcionarán traducciones en español e italiano.

El examen de Movers consta de tres partes:

  • Comprensión lectora: Los estudiantes deben leer un texto y luego responder preguntas sobre él. Hay un total de 20 preguntas.
  • Gramática y vocabulario: Los estudiantes deben completar oraciones y responder preguntas de gramática y vocabulario. Hay un total de 20 preguntas.
  • Escritura: Los estudiantes deben escribir una oración o un pequeño párrafo sobre una de las tres imágenes que se les proporcionará. Hay un total de 3 preguntas.

Los estudiantes que aprueben el examen de Movers recibirán un certificado y una medalla. Los certificados se enviarán a las escuelas a finales de mayo o principios de junio. Las medallas se entregarán a los estudiantes en sus escuelas en una ceremonia de premiación que se llevará a cabo en junio.

¿Qué nivel de inglés es Movers?

Movers is the third level in the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) tests. It is aimed at children aged 7-9 who have already completed the Starters and Movers levels. The test is made up of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking. Each paper assesses a different aspect of your child’s language ability.

The Reading and Writing paper has two parts. In Part 1, your child will read and understand simple texts. In Part 2, your child will show they can write in English by finishing sentences and writing short answers to questions. The Listening paper has three parts. In Part 1, your child will listen to and understand short spoken texts. In Part 2, they will show they can understand spoken questions and directions. In Part 3, your child will listen to a longer piece of spoken English and answer questions. The Speaking paper has two parts. In Part 1, the examiner will ask your child questions about themselves, their homes and their daily routines. In Part 2, your child will be asked to talk about a picture.

Movers is the third level in the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) tests. It is aimed at children aged 7-9 who have already completed the Starters and Movers levels. The test is made up of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking. Each paper assesses a different aspect of your child’s language ability.

The Reading and Writing paper has two parts. In Part 1, your child will read and understand simple texts. In Part 2, your child will show they can write in English by finishing sentences and writing short answers to questions. The Listening paper has three parts. In Part 1, your child will listen to and understand short spoken texts. In Part 2, they will show they can understand spoken questions and directions. In Part 3, your child will listen to a longer piece of spoken English and answer questions. The Speaking paper has two parts. In Part 1, the examiner will ask your child questions about themselves, their homes and their daily routines. In Part 2, your child will be asked to talk about a picture.

Movers is the third level in the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) tests. It is aimed at children aged 7-9 who have already completed the Starters and Movers levels. The test is made up of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking. Each paper assesses a different aspect of your child’s language ability.

The Reading and Writing paper has two parts. In Part 1, your child will read and understand simple texts. In Part 2, your child will show they can write in English by finishing sentences and writing short answers to questions. The Listening paper has three parts. In Part 1, your child will listen to and understand short spoken texts. In Part 2, they will show they can understand spoken questions and directions. In Part 3, your child will listen to a longer piece of spoken English and answer questions. The Speaking paper has two parts. In Part 1, the examiner will ask your child questions about themselves, their homes and their daily routines. In Part 2, your child will be asked to talk about a picture.

¿Que te preguntan en el examen de Cambridge?

¿Sabías que el examen de Cambridge se puede realizar en más de 130 países? No importa dónde vivas, puedes obtener un título de Cambridge que te abra las puertas de las mejores universidades del mundo.

En el examen de Cambridge, se te preguntará sobre:

  • Tu experiencia en el aprendizaje de inglés
  • Lo que te gusta hacer
  • Tu familia y amigos
  • Escuela y actividades extracurriculares
  • Hobbies e intereses
  • Noticias y eventos actuales

El examen de Cambridge se compone de cuatro pruebas:

  • Prueba de habilidades auditivas – En esta prueba, se te pedirá que escuches una conversación o un monólogo y luego respondas preguntas sobre lo que has escuchado.
  • Prueba de habilidades de lectura – En esta prueba, se te pedirá que leas textos de diferentes fuentes y luego respondas preguntas sobre lo que has leído.
  • Prueba de habilidades de escritura – En esta prueba, se te pedirá que escribas un texto sobre un tema dado. Puede ser una carta, un ensayo, un diario o una historia.
  • Prueba de habilidades de conversación – En esta prueba, tendrás que hablar con un examinador sobre un tema dado. Puede ser sobre ti, tus intereses, tu familia, tus vacaciones, entre otros.

¿Estás preparado para el examen de Cambridge? Ponte en contacto con nosotros y te ayudaremos a obtener el mejor resultado posible.

¿Cuánto dura el examen de movers?

El examen de movers dura aproximadamente 1 hora.

Hay 40 preguntas en total, y se le da 1 punto por cada pregunta correcta.

Para pasar, necesita obtener al menos 30 puntos.

¡Buena suerte!

Modelo de Examen Movers Cambridge

Este modelo de examen está diseñado para dar a los estudiantes una idea de lo que se espera de ellos en el examen Movers de Cambridge. Se trata de un examen de inglés para niños de 7 a 12 años, y está dividido en tres partes: Práctica de Escucha, Práctica de Lectura y Práctica de Escritura. Los estudiantes deberán completar una serie de actividades en cada una de estas áreas, y deberán alcanzar un cierto nivel de habilidad para pasar el examen. Si logran aprobarlo, podrán obtener el certificado Movers de Cambridge, que les será muy útil para demostrar su nivel de inglés a futuros empleadores o enseñantes.

Abrir – Modelo de Examen Movers Cambridge – PDF