Ejercicios Used To 4 ESO PDF Exercices con Soluciones

Used To 4 ESO

Abrir Ejercicios Used To 4 ESO | Exercices

Used to is a phrase that we use to talk about something that we did regularly in the past, but we don’t do it now. It’s usually used with verbs like be, live, work, like, go etc.

For example:

  • I used to live in Paris.
  • She used to work in a bank.
  • We used to go out a lot when we were younger.
  • I used to smoke, but I gave up a few years ago.

When we use used to, we always use the simple past tense of the verb. For example:

  • I lived in Paris.
  • She worked in a bank.
  • We went out a lot when we were younger.
  • I smoked, but I gave up a few years ago.

We can also use didn’t use to to talk about something that we didn’t do regularly in the past. For example:

  • I didn’t use to like coffee, but now I drink it all the time.
  • She didn’t use to be very friendly, but now she’s really nice.
  • We didn’t use to go out much when we were students, but now we go out all the time.
  • I didn’t use to smoke, but now I smoke 20 cigarettes a day!

Ejercicios Resueltos Used To Ingles 4 Eso

Ejercicios Resueltos Used To Ingles 4 Eso

1- Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo to be.

I was born in Madrid.

You were born in Seville.

He was born in Valencia.

She was born in Barcelona.

It was born in Bilbao.

We were born in Málaga.

They were born in Granada.

2- Escribe las frases siguientes en pasado.

I am from Madrid.

I was from Madrid.

You are from Seville.

You were from Seville.

He is from Valencia.

He was from Valencia.

She is from Barcelona.

She was from Barcelona.

It is from Bilbao.

It was from Bilbao.

We are from Málaga.

We were from Málaga.

They are from Granada.

They were from Granada.

3- Completa la frase con la forma correcta del verbo to be (negativa).

I was not born in Madrid.

You were not born in Seville.

He was not born in Valencia.

She was not born in Barcelona.

It was not born in Bilbao.

We were not born in Málaga.

They were not born in Granada.

4- Escribe las frases siguientes en pasado (negativa).

I am from Madrid.

I was not from Madrid.

You are from Seville.

You were not from Seville.

He is from Valencia.

He was not from Valencia.

She is from Barcelona.

She was not from Barcelona.

It is from Bilbao.

It was not from Bilbao.

We are from Málaga.

We were not from Málaga.

They are from Granada.

They were not from Granada.

5- Completa la frase con la forma correcta del verbo to be (interrogativa).

Was I born in Madrid?

Were you born in Seville?

Was he born in Valencia?

Was she born in Barcelona?

Was it born in Bilbao?

Were we born in Málaga?

Were they born in Granada?

6- Escribe las frases siguientes en pasado (interrogativa).

I am from Madrid.

Was I from Madrid?

You are from Seville.

Were you from Seville?

He is from Valencia.

Was he from Valencia?

She is from Barcelona.

Was she from Barcelona?

It is from Bilbao.

Was it from Bilbao?

We are from Málaga.

Were we from Málaga?

They are from Granada.

Were they from Granada?

7- Completa la frase con la forma correcta del verbo to be (afirmativa o negativa, según corresponda).

Was / Were I born in Madrid?

Was / Were you born in Seville?

Was / Were he born in Valencia?

Was / Were she born in Barcelona?

Was / Were it born in Bilbao?

Was / Were we born in Málaga?

Was / Were they born in Granada?

8- Escribe las frases siguientes en pasado (afirmativa o negativa, según corresponda).

I am from Madrid.

Was / Were I from Madrid?

You are from Seville.

Was / Were you from Seville?

He is from Valencia.

Was / Were he from Valencia?

She is from Barcelona.

Was / Were she from Barcelona?

It is from Bilbao.

Was / Were it from Bilbao?

We are from Málaga.

Was / Were we from Málaga?

They are from Granada.

Was / Were they from Granada?

9- Escribe las frases siguientes en pasado (afirmativa o negativa, según corresponda).

I was / were born in Madrid.

You was / were born in Seville.

He was / were born in Valencia.

She was / were born in Barcelona.

It was / were born in Bilbao.

We was / were born in Málaga.

They was / were born in Granada.

10- Escribe las frases siguientes en pasado (afirmativa o negativa, según corresponda).

I was / were from Madrid.

You was / were from Seville.

He was / were from Valencia.

She was / were from Barcelona.

It was / were from Bilbao.

We was / were from Málaga.

They was / were from Granada.

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