Solucionario Prospects 2 Macmillan PDF

Prospects 2 Macmillan

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Photocopiable Prospects 2 Macmillan PDF

INTRODUCCIÓN ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3


Task 1.1. The influence of the media ………………………………………………………………… 5

Task 1.2. My cultural identity ………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Task 2.1. A cultural mosaic ……………………………………………………………………………. 10

Task 2.2. From many, one ………………………………………………………………………………. 12

UNIDAD 2. WORKING LIFE ………………………………………………………………………. 15

Task 1.1. Family life …………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Task 1.2. The generation game …………………………………………………………………….. 17

Task 2.1. The changing world of work ………………………………………………………….. 20

Task 2.2. A woman’s place ……………………………………………………………………………. 22

UNIDAD 3. ISSUES IN SOCIETY ……………………………………………………………….. 25

Task 1.1. The human cost of natural disasters ……………………………………………….. 25

Task 1.2. A life in the day ……………………………………………………………………………. 27

Task 2.1. A child’s view of the world ……………………………………………………………. 30

Task 2.2. A life in the day ……………………………………………………………………………. 32

UNIDAD 4. THE WORLD AROUND US ………………………………………………………… 35

Task 1.1. The changing face of the countryside ………………………………………….. 35

Task 1.2. From farm to table ……………………………………………………………………….. 37

Task 2.1. A sense of place ……………………………………………………………………………. 40

Task 2.2. The global village …………………………………………………………………………. 42


Este solucionario contiene las respuestas de todas las actividades del libro de texto Inglés Prospects 2. El objetivo de este solucionario es ofrecerte una orientación para que puedas comprobar y evaluar tu progreso y tus conocimientos.

Cada sección del libro de texto está estructurada de la siguiente forma:

  • Un tema, que introduce el vocabulario y la gramática necesarios para desarrollar el tema de la sección.
  • Un desarrollo de la sección, que te proporciona más información sobre el tema y te anima a reflexionar sobre él. Incluye ejercicios para practicar.
  • Una conclusión, que resume el tema y te ofrece la oportunidad de repasar y ampliar el vocabulario y la gramática aprendidos.
  • Un glosario, en el que se recogen los principales términos gramaticales de la sección.

En la unidad 1 estudiarás el tema de la identidad cultural. En la unidad 2 explorarás el tema de la vida laboral. En la unidad 3 se aborda el tema de la convivencia en la sociedad y, por último, en la unidad 4 el tema de la tierra y el medio ambiente. En cada unidad se ofrecen dos tareas para realizar en clase o de forma autónoma. Cada tarea está compuesta por varias actividades, y cada una de ellas incluye una serie de ejercicios. Las instrucciones para realizar los ejercicios se detallan en cada una de las actividades.

En el solucionario encontrarás las soluciones de todos los ejercicios del libro de texto. En algunos casos, se han incluido dos versiones de la solución de un ejercicio: una versión breve, ideal para estudiantes que quieran comprobar sus conocimientos de forma rápida y sencilla, y una versión más amplia, para estudiantes que deseen profundizar un poco más en la solución de los ejercicios.


Task 1.1. The influence of the media

1. Read the text and match each paragraph (1–5) with the most suitable heading (A–E). There is one extra heading.
The influence of the media on our lives

How much influence does the media have in our lives? Do we believe everything we see and read?

A Different types of media
B How the media can influence us
C How we use the media
D The power of the media
E The uses of the media

2. Complete the sentences with words from the box.
television newspapers social media internet billboards newspapers

People use different types of media for different reasons. Some people watch to be informed, while others watch to be entertained. Some people read to be informed, while others read for pleasure. Some people use social media to keep in touch with friends and family, while others use it to find out what is happening in the world. Some people use the internet for research, while others use it for shopping or banking.

3. Look back at the text in Exercise 1. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
The media only has a small influence on our lives. We never believe everything we see in the media. We only use the media for entertainment. We only read newspapers for information. We never use the internet for research.

4. Complete the sentences with words from the box.
billboards entertainment controversial advertisements information magazines

Advertisements are a common feature of the media. They are often used to sell products, but they can also be used to persuade people to change their opinions or behaviours. Some people find them annoying, while others find them interesting or amusing. Some people think that they are a necessary evil, while others think that they are a valuable source of information.

5. Match the words (1–8) with their definitions (A–H). There is one extra definition.
annoying impartial biased commercial entertaining controversial informative power propaganda

A not favouring one person or group more than another
B giving information about something
C something that is not important
D causing annoyance or irritation
E likely to cause strong disagreement
F relating to commerce or trade
G giving pleasure or enjoyment
H the ability to control people or events

Task 1.2. My cultural identity

1. Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
multicultural (1), traditions (1), diversity (1), beliefs (1), deported (1), migrated (1), heritage (1), generation (1)

Cultures are often passed down from one (1) to the next. This can happen when people (2) to a new country and take their (3) and (4) with them. It can also happen when people are (5) to a new country and have to leave their (6) behind. In either case, it is important to remember and respect other people’s (7). It is also important to remember that (8) can change over time, and that what is considered ‘normal’ in one (9) may not be considered ‘normal’ in another.

2. Look back at the pictures and the sentences in Exercise 1. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
People always take their traditions and beliefs with them when they migrate to a new country. People who are deported to a new country always have to leave their heritage behind. All cultures change over time. What is considered ‘normal’ in one culture is always considered ‘normal’ in another.

3. Complete the sentences with words from the box.
stereotypes prejudice discrimination culture identity

When we talk about (1), we are talking about the (2) that we have towards people who are different from us. When we talk about (3), we are talking about the (4) that we show towards people who are different from us. When we talk about (5), we are talking about the (6) that we have towards people who are different from us.

4. Complete the sentences with words from the box.
belong community similarities traditions values

When we talk about (1), we are talking about the (2) that we feel towards people who are like us. When we talk about (3), we are talking about the (4) that we share with people who are like us. When we talk about (5), we are talking about the (6) that we have towards people who are like us.

5. Look back at the text in Exercise 1. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
When we talk about identity, we are talking about the community that we feel towards people who are different from us. When we talk about culture, we are talking about the traditions that we share with people who are like us. When we talk about diversity, we are talking about the values that we have towards people who are like us.

Task 2.1. A cultural mosaic

1. Complete the sentences with words from the box.
beliefs customs ethnic food groups identity

When we talk about (1), we are talking about the (2) that we have towards people who are different from us. When we talk about (3), we are talking about the (4) that we show towards people who are different from us. When we talk about (5), we are talking about the (6) that we have towards people who are different from us.

2. Look at the pictures and read

Solucionario Students Book Workbook Ingles Prospects 2 Macmillan PDF

El Solucionario del Libro Ingles Prospects 2 Macmillan contiene las respuestas a las actividades del libro de inglés Prospects 2. Se trata de un recurso útil tanto para el profesor como para el estudiante, ya que permite comprobar el progreso y corregir errores. Además, el solucionario se puede utilizar como material de repaso y para ampliar el vocabulario y la gramática.

Para acceder al solucionario, basta con ir a la página web de Macmillan y seguir los enlaces correspondientes. En la página principal, hay un enlace llamado «Solucionarios» en la parte inferior. Al hacer clic en este enlace, se abrirá una nueva página con una lista de todos los solucionarios disponibles. Para encontrar el Solucionario del Libro Ingles Prospects 2 Macmillan, basta con buscarlo en la lista y hacer clic en el enlace.

Una vez que se haya abierto el solucionario, se mostrará un índice con todas las lecciones del libro. Para encontrar la respuesta a una actividad en particular, basta con buscar la lección en el índice y luego buscar la actividad en la página correspondiente. Las respuestas están escritas en inglés, por lo que es recomendable tener un buen nivel de inglés para poder comprenderlas.

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