Solucionario Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books PDF

Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books

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Photocopiable Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books PDF

Indice de contenidos del Solucionario del Libro Ingles Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books PDF


1.1 Who are we?

1.2 Where are we from?

1.3 What do we like?

1.4 How old are we?

1.5 When is our birthday?

1.6 What’s the weather like?

2.1 What’s your name?

2.2 What’s your telephone number?

2.3 What’s your address?

2.4 What’s your email address?

2.5 What’s your nationality?

2.6 What’s your date of birth?

2.7 What’s your favourite colour?

2.8 What’s your favourite sport?

2.9 What’s your favourite food?

2.10 What’s your favourite drink?

3.1 Where do you live?

3.2 Do you live in a house or a flat?

3.3 Who do you live with?

3.4 How many rooms are there in your house/flat?

3.5 What’s your bedroom like?

3.6 What’s your living room like?

3.7 What’s your kitchen like?

3.8 Where’s your school?

3.9 What’s the name of your school?

3.10 How many students are there in your school?

4.1 How are you?

4.2 What’s the matter?

4.3 I feel …

4.4 I have a pain in my …

4.5 I’m bored.

4.6 I’m tired.

4.7 I’m thirsty.

4.8 I’m hungry.

4.9 I’m sleepy.

4.10 I need …

5.1 Do you like … ?

5.2 What’s your favourite … ?

5.3 I like …

5.4 I don’t like …

6.1 Can you … ?

6.2 Can you speak … ?

6.3 I can …

6.4 I can’t …

7.1 Shall we … ?

7.2 Let’s …

7.3 I’d like …

7.4 I want …

7.5 I don’t want …

8.1 This is …

8.2 That is …

8.3 These are …

8.4 Those are …

8.5 Who is … ?

8.6 Who are … ?

9.1 There is …

9.2 There are …

9.3 Is there … ?

9.4 Are there … ?

10.1 I am …

10.2 You are …

10.3 He/She/It is …

10.4 We are …

10.5 You are …

10.6 They are …

11.1 I’m …

11.2 You’re …

11.3 He’s/She’s/It’s …

11.4 We’re …

11.5 You’re …

11.6 They’re …

12.1 I’m not …

12.2 You aren’t …

12.3 He/She/It isn’t …

12.4 We aren’t …

12.5 You aren’t …

12.6 They aren’t …

13.1 am I?

13.2 are you?

13.3 is he/she/it?

13.4 are we?

13.5 are you?

13.6 are they?

14.1 I

14.2 you

14.3 he

14.4 she

14.5 it

14.6 we

14.7 you

14.8 they

15.1 me

15.2 you

15.3 him

15.4 her

15.5 it

15.6 us

15.7 you

15.8 them

16.1 my

16.2 your

16.3 his

16.4 her

16.5 its

16.6 our

16.7 your

16.8 their

17.1 mine

17.2 yours

17.3 his

17.4 hers

17.5 its

17.6 ours

17.7 yours

17.8 theirs

18.1 this

18.2 that

18.3 these

18.4 those

19.1 here

19.2 there

20.1 who

20.2 whose

21.1 what

22.1 when

23.1 where

24.1 how

25.1 how much

26.1 how many

27.1 how old

28.1 some

29.1 any

30.1 a

31.1 an

32.1 the

33.1 no

34.1 one

35.1 each

36.1 every

37.1 all

38.1 both

39.1 few

40.1 many

41.1 most

42.1 little

43.1 much

44.1 great

45.1 first

46.1 last

47.1 next

48.1 previous

49.1 early

50.1 late

51.1 soon

52.1 immediately

53.1 finally

54.1 yet

55.1 still

56.1 ago

57.1 already

58.1 just

59.1 recently

60.1 lately

61.1 tomorrow

62.1 today

63.1 tonight

64.1 yesterday

65.1 now

66.1 at the moment

67.1 in a moment

68.1 this morning

69.1 this afternoon

70.1 this evening

71.1 this night

72.1 this week

73.1 this month

74.1 this year

75.1 next morning

76.1 next afternoon

77.1 next evening

78.1 next night

79.1 next week

80.1 next month

81.1 next year

82.1 in the morning

83.1 in the afternoon

84.1 in the evening

85.1 at night

86.1 on Monday

87.1 on Tuesday

88.1 on Wednesday

89.1 on Thursday

90.1 on Friday

91.1 on Saturday

92.1 on Sunday

93.1 in January

94.1 in February

95.1 in March

96.1 in April

97.1 in May

98.1 in June

99.1 in July

100.1 in August

101.1 in September

102.1 in October

103.1 in November

104.1 in December

105.1 at the weekend

106.1 at home

107.1 in bed

108.1 in class

109.1 in the park

110.1 in the sea

111.1 in the mountains

112.1 in the country

113.1 in hospital

Solucionario Students Book Workbook Ingles Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books PDF?

¿Qué es y cómo se usa el Solucionario del Libro Ingles Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books PDF?

El solucionario del libro «Inglés Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books PDF» es una herramienta muy útil para aprender y mejorar el inglés. Se trata de una serie de ejercicios y actividades que te ayudarán a practicar y mejorar tus conocimientos de la lengua.

El solucionario se divide en secciones, cada una de las cuales se centra en un tema o aspecto concreto de la lengua. Así, por ejemplo, podrás practicar la gramática, el vocabulario, la pronunciación o la comprensión lectora. Cada sección está dividida a su vez en lecciones, de manera que podrás ir mejorando poco a poco y avanzando a tu ritmo.

Además, el solucionario incluye una serie de ejercicios y actividades interactivas, como juegos, quizzes y tests, que te ayudarán a divertirte mientras aprendes. También podrás acceder a un diccionario inglés-español en línea, para consultar las dudas que te vayan surgiendo.

En resumen, el solucionario del libro «Inglés Way To English 3 Eso Burlington Books PDF» es una herramienta muy completa y útil para aprender y mejorar el inglés. Si estás buscando una forma divertida y eficaz de practicar y mejorar tu inglés, este es sin duda el libro que necesitas.

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