Ejercicios Will Wont 2 ESO PDF Exercices con Soluciones

Will Wont 2 ESO

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Muchos estudiantes de Inglés tienen dificultades con el uso de will y won’t. Estas palabras se usan para hablar de la probabilidad de que algo suceda en el futuro. Estas son algunas de las formas en que se pueden usar:

Usando “will”:

1. Para hablar de la probabilidad de que algo suceda:


  • I will be late for the meeting.
  • It will rain tomorrow.
  • She will be very tired when she arrives home.
  • Will you be at the party tonight?

2. Para ofrecer ayuda:


  • Will you please open the door?
  • Will you help me carry these boxes?

3. Para hacer una promesa:


  • I will help you with your homework.
  • I will call you tomorrow.
  • I will not forget your birthday.

Usando “won’t”:

1. Para hablar de la probabilidad de que algo no suceda:


  • I won’t be late for the meeting.
  • It won’t rain tomorrow.
  • She won’t be very tired when she arrives home.
  • Won’t you be at the party tonight?

2. Para rechazar una oferta de ayuda:


  • Won’t you please open the door?
  • Won’t you help me carry these boxes?

3. Para hacer una promesa de que no se va a hacer algo:


  • I won’t help you with your homework.
  • I won’t call you tomorrow.
  • I won’t forget your birthday.

Ejercicios Resueltos Will Wont Ingles 2 Eso

Ejercicios Resueltos Will Wont Ingles 2 Eso

Will y Won’t: Los ejercicios resueltos

1. Completa las frases usando Will o Won’t.
Ejemplo: I will study tonight.

1. I _____ study tonight.

2. They _____ drive to the party.

3. We _____ take the bus.

4. He _____ play tennis tomorrow.

5. She _____ come with us.

6. It _____ rain this afternoon.

7. You _____ help me with my homework, please?

8. I _____ do the laundry tonight.

9. We _____ go to the movies on Saturday.

10. They _____ have a party next weekend.

2. Escribe oraciones usando Will o Won’t.
Ejemplo: We will go to the party.

1. I ____________________________ play tennis tomorrow.

2. We ___________________________ take the bus.

3. You ___________________________ help me with my homework, please?

4. They __________________________ have a party next weekend.

5. He ____________________________ come with us.

6. She ___________________________ do the laundry tonight.

7. It ____________________________ rain this afternoon.

8. They __________________________ drive to the party.

9. We ___________________________ go to the movies on Saturday.

10. I ___________________________ study tonight.

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