Ejercicios Was Were 4 Primaria Exercices PDF Con Soluciones

Was Were 4 Primaria

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Cuando usamos el verbo to be (ser o estar) en inglés, debemos prestar atención a la persona que hace la acción. En concreto, debemos fijarnos en si la persona es sujeto (I, you, he, she, it, we, you o they) o objeto directo (me, you, him, her, it, us, you o them). En función de esto, usaremos was o were.

En las frases en las que el sujeto es I, he, she o it, usaremos was. Así pues, diremos I was at home (yo estaba en casa), he was my friend (él era mi amigo), she was tired (ella estaba cansada) o it was cold (hacía frío).

Por otro lado, en las frases en las que el sujeto es we, you o they, usaremos were. Así pues, diremos we were at home (nosotros estábamos en casa), you were my friend (tú eras mi amigo) o they were tired (ellos estaban cansados).

En cuanto al objeto directo, recordemos que este se puede encontrar después de la preposición to o la preposición for. En ambos casos, usaremos were.

Así pues, diremos I was looking for you (yo te estaba buscando), he was talking to me (él me estaba hablando) o we were waiting for them (nosotros los estábamos esperando).

Y con esto terminamos la explicación de este importante tema. Espero que te haya sido útil.

Ejercicios Resueltos Was Were Ingles 4 Primaria

Ejercicios Resueltos Was Were Ingles 4 Primaria

1. Escribe was o were en cada caso. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

I __________ in the garden. Was

You __________ at school. Were

He __________ at home. Was

She __________ in the park. Was

It __________ on the table. Was

We __________ in the classroom. Were

They __________ in the living room. Were

2. Completa el diálogo con was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

A: Where __________ you yesterday?

B: I __________ at home.

A: Where __________ your friends?

B: They __________ at the movies.

A: Where __________ the cat?

B: It __________ in the kitchen.

3. Escribe la forma correcta de was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

Yesterday, I __________ at home all day.

Last night, we __________ at the party.

This morning, they __________ in the park.

Just now, it __________ on the table.

A minute ago, she __________ in the garden.

4. Completa el cuadro con la forma correcta de was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.


I __________ at home.

You __________ at school.

He __________ at home.

She __________ at home.

It __________ at home.

We __________ at home.

They __________ at home.

5. Escribe la forma correcta de was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

Yesterday, I __________ very tired.

Last night, we __________ at the party.

This morning, they __________ in the park.

Just now, it __________ on the table.

A minute ago, she __________ in the garden.

6. Lee el diálogo. Luego, subraya la forma correcta de was o were.

A: Where __________ you yesterday?

B: I __________ at home.

A: Where __________ your friends?

B: They __________ at the movies.

A: Where __________ the cat?

B: It __________ in the kitchen.

7. Escribe la forma correcta de was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

Yesterday, I __________ very tired.

Last night, we __________ at the party.

This morning, they __________ in the park.

Just now, it __________ on the table.

A minute ago, she __________ in the garden.

8. Completa las frases con was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

I __________ at home.

You __________ at school.

He __________ at home.

She __________ at home.

It __________ at home.

We __________ at home.

They __________ at home.

9. Escribe la forma correcta de was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

Yesterday, I __________ very tired.

Last night, we __________ at the party.

This morning, they __________ in the park.

Just now, it __________ on the table.

A minute ago, she __________ in the garden.

10. Escribe was o were. Luego, subraya la forma correcta.

I __________ in the garden.

You __________ at school.

He __________ at home.

She __________ in the park.

It __________ on the table.

We __________ in the classroom.

They __________ in the living room.

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