Ejercicios Present Simple 4 Primaria Exercices PDF Con Soluciones

Present Simple 4 Primaria

Abrir Ejercicios Present Simple 4 Primaria | Exercices

El Present Simple del verbo to be se forma de la siguiente manera:

Afirmativo: I am = Yo soy / You are = Tú eres / He is = Él es / She is = Ella es / It is = Ello es / We are = Nosotros somos / You are = Vosotros sois / They are = Ellos son

Negativo: I am not = Yo no soy / You are not = Tú no eres / He is not = Él no es / She is not = Ella no es / It is not = Ello no es / We are not = Nosotros no somos / You are not = Vosotros no sois / They are not = Ellos no son

Interrogativo: Am I? = ¿Soy yo? / Are you? = ¿Eres tú? / Is he? = ¿Es él? / Is she? = ¿Es ella? / Is it? = ¿Es ello? / Are we? = ¿Somos nosotros? / Are you? = ¿Sois vosotros? / Are they? = ¿Son ellos?

Para formar el Present Simple de los demás verbos, solo tenemos que añadir la forma base del verbo (infinitivo sin to):

Afirmativo: I work = Yo trabajo / You work = Tú trabajas / He works = Él trabaja / She works = Ella trabaja / It works = Ello trabaja / We work = Nosotros trabajamos / You work = Vosotros trabajáis / They work = Ellos trabajan

Negativo: I do not work = Yo no trabajo / You do not work = Tú no trabajas / He does not work = Él no trabaja / She does not work = Ella no trabaja / It does not work = Ello no trabaja / We do not work = Nosotros no trabajamos / You do not work = Vosotros no trabajáis / They do not work = Ellos no trabajan

Interrogativo: Do I work? = ¿Trabajo yo? / Do you work? = ¿Trabajas tú? / Does he work? = ¿Trabaja él? / Does she work? = ¿Trabaja ella? / Does it work? = ¿Trabaja ello? / Do we work? = ¿Trabajamos nosotros? / Do you work? = ¿Trabajáis vosotros? / Do they work? = ¿Trabajan ellos?

El Present Simple se usa para hablar de:

  • Acciones habituales o regulares: I brush my teeth every morning = Me lavo los dientes todas las mañanas
  • Ciertas verdades universales: The sun rises in the east = El sol sale por el este
  • Sentimientos y estados permanentes: I am happy = Soy feliz

El Present Simple se suele usar con los siguientes adverbios de frecuencia: always (siempre), usually (generalmente), often (a menudo), sometimes (a veces), seldom (pocas veces), never (nunca).

Por ejemplo:

  • I always brush my teeth in the morning = Me lavo los dientes siempre por la mañana
  • I usually have breakfast at 7:30 = Suelo desayunar a las 7:30
  • I often go to the cinema on Saturday = A menudo voy al cine el sábado
  • I sometimes have a coffee with my friends after work = A veces tomo un café con mis amigos después de trabajar
  • I seldom go out on weekdays = Pocas veces salgo de casa entre semana
  • I never watch TV on Sunday = Nunca veo la televisión los domingos

Ejercicios Resueltos Present Simple Ingles 4 Primaria

Ejercicios Resueltos Present Simple Ingles 4 Primaria

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I __________ (get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (watch) television every day.

She __________ (not play) tennis on Sundays.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I __________ (to get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not to have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (to go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not to do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (to watch) television every day.

She __________ (not to play) tennis on Sundays.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I __________ (get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (watch) television every day.

She __________ (not play) tennis on Sundays.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I __________ (to get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not to have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (to go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not to do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (to watch) television every day.

She __________ (not to play) tennis on Sundays.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I __________ (get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (watch) television every day.

She __________ (not play) tennis on Sundays.

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I __________ (to get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not to have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (to go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not to do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (to watch) television every day.

She __________ (not to play) tennis on Sundays.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I __________ (get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (watch) television every day.

She __________ (not play) tennis on Sundays.

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I __________ (to get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not to have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (to go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not to do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (to watch) television every day.

She __________ (not to play) tennis on Sundays.

9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I __________ (get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (watch) television every day.

She __________ (not play) tennis on Sundays.

10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I __________ (to get up) at seven o’clock every day.

You __________ (not to have) breakfast at home.

They __________ (to go) to school by bus.

We __________ (not to do) our homework in the afternoon.

You __________ (to watch) television every day.

She __________ (not to play) tennis on Sundays.

Ejercicios con Soluciones